Saturday, August 6, 2011

Just a blink, and a year has gone by.

It seems like ages since I have updated this blog. Ages since I have sat down for enough time to reflect; to collect my thoughts and paste them together to make a coherent explanation of my current point in life. As I sit here on my bed at 12:11 am on a Saturday night, I am attempting to piece together the last 12 months of my life and figure out a seeminly unsolvable question: what happened?

So much has happened with my professional life. I have grown immensely. I am even about to begin the application process for a promotion. I have learned that I want to work for my company as a long-term employee. I am truly blessed to work in the organization that I do.

My personal life has been really interesting over the past year. I was involved in a really bizarre, really left-field relationship for a brief period last fall, which quickly defined itself and just as quickly terminated. I took an incredible lesson away from that situation, and I find it strange that you tend to learn meaningful things from events that you generally dont expect to cause such lessons. I learned that I me, and I refuse to allow someone else dictate certain aspects of my life. They will have to embrace me for me: my past, present and future.
In all honesty, he was a fantastic guy, just fantastically not for me.

I took a trip to visit a friend in NYC, and I immediately fell in love with the city. About an hour into my visit, I knew that I would someday be a New Yorker. Manhattan is an incredible place that felt nothing short of surreal to me. I can hardly wait until my time comes to make that transition.

My home has since been broken into twice. Ive lost multiple pieces of electronic equipment; all of which I can comfortably live without. Some of the things I needed to lose anyway. Funny how things work out.

I've since bought a new car. Wow, so much has really changed over the last year. So much that I never even realized occured so fast.

A close friend of mine took a promotion in another city, and he is no longer my roommate. That was a big change (he is doing fantastic in the new market). Another friend moved in and is renting his room.

I have developed incredibly, and I have learned things about myself that I never even realized. New hobbies. New taste buds. I've discovered what works for me and what doesnt. I've learned things that make me proud to be myself, and embrace my individuality.

I've learned that some friends will always be there for you, and that some people are looking for an opportunity to kick you down---such is life.

My days as a 25-year-old are coming to an end, and a new chapter entitled "big 26" is about to begin. Before I know it "big 30" will be here, and I can only pray that I am in NYC before 27 comes along.

Keep your head up and keep going. Love deeply. Forgive. Leave nothing behind but judgement. Learn, live, love. Embrace your past, love your present, and dream of your future.

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