Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Luckiest

I find that I always do my deepest reflecting when I should be diverting my energy to some other immediate task. I am running a little late this morning, and an epiphany struck while clumsily jamming one leg in my dress slacks and juggling a cup of coffee AND typing (its an interesting sight).

While I should be worried about getting to work "on time" (which in reality is twenty minutes early as I am ALWAYS early), all I could think about was how lucky I have been throughout my entire life. Literally, my life has been a series of incredible luck. This little mental revolution sparked last night over drinks at Broadway Brewhouse, where I was telling my friends that I was one fat-ass little baby and weighed 10lbs at birth. My mom had to have an emergency caesarean section to give birth to me. I began to wonder if I was born 100 years earlier, would I have survived an emergency birth? Maybe things would have been just fine, but to my understanding, I wasn't an easy newborn to bear (you try forcing a 10lb screaming baby full of watermelon out of your body and see how that goes). Something to be thankful for right off the bat. That spark resurfaced this morning in the midst of my failed attempt to multitask.

So I sit here, shirt unbuttoned and stubly face, thinking that I am the luckiest person on earth, and I am so thankful for everything I have. I can't help but think fate might have a hand in all my endeavors. I got the job I wanted. I have a college degree without any debt. I am healthy. I am pretty awesome :). I have great friends. Everything I could ever want. I realize these things, and I am eternally grateful.

My life feels like an interactive photo album. One with pages and pages of memories of incredible people, and the exciting part is I just got started. Thanks for being a part of that.

1 comment:

  1. people are here in our lives as an influence and as partners in life. every encounter and friendship and person in your life is there for a reason. its not about what the experience means, its about the act of experiencing your life as its meant to be :)

