Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dark Corners

Why is it that you always gravitate towards whats wrong for you, and shy away from a perfect fit? Is it just too easy, or does mankind have an obession with wanting what they can't have?

Most people know whats right for them, but some little voice deep-down inside tells them that there is always something bigger and better than what is right in front of their face. Maybe it's the media, projecting an unobtainable idea of beauty and romance as something that is the status quo; setting one's expectations far beyond reach.

I have always valued a quote that I, with the rest of the human population, tend to forget. It is simply "it's not having what you want, it is having what you've got." It is so easy to assume that you need something else out there, but taking a step back can show you that you really have more than you could ever possibly ask for.For instance, I have an incredible group of friends, job and house, though life's simple speed bumps tend to produce seemingly life-altering stress.

A goal that I hope to contiously reach throughout my life is realizing what I have before I lose it, an inherent flaw in man.
So maybe you should try to do the same. Go out of your way to tell someone that you love them, or not before making a stupid, selfish move that could hurt one close to you.

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