Friday, January 23, 2009


I think there is a certain importance in the idea of just being who you naturally are. Yes, I know. That seems to be an unpopular idea with a majority of the gay community.

You know what I mean?

For instance, I was talking to someone the other day, and he said something along the lines of "its the girly fags that give gay people a bad name." It is somewhat ironic as you can tell he is gay from a mile away, tans too much and is probably one of the most effeminate gay people I have ever met.

I think it is that guy who gives gay people a bad name. People who aren't strong enough just to be who they are, and find themselves molding into someone else they are nothing like. Sure you can pretend like you have some validation through manhunt, but who are you really kidding?

We all know these people. Those who present themselves as something they find more marketable than who they really are. Yes--it's them who ONLY talk about how many times they have hooked up and have to remind you every 5 minutes that someone out there finds them attractive on some gay hook-up site. Ok, we understand-- you aren't comfortable with who you are.

I actually commend people for being proud enough and man enough to be who they are. It is a little easier for some people as you may naturally fit in with certain culture expectations, but for others it can be very difficult. Anyone can clumsily try to camouflage themselves. But in the end, your sincerity is what is going to get you what you want.

Gay people of all shapes, sizes and mannerisms have tried to make it a point to have the right to be who they are. I just find it disgusting that some little queen prances around talking about how people being who they are is what is wrong with the gay community.

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