Saturday, June 26, 2010

"jimmy goes hungry fund"

I have been trying to commit myself to eating out only a couple of times a week in an effort to save money. Owning a home is far more expensive than I previously projected and "old faithful" piece of shit car has a new issue every other month. So, I am attempting to be a responsible adult and,thus far, it hasn't been working out so well. I actually sat down and attempted to figure out exactly how much I am spending on a WEEKLY basis on eating out on lunchbreak alone, and came to a depressing estimate of nearly 20 dollars a day on LUNCH, which is completely ridiculous.

I am happy to report that I am making baby steps into this adulthood thing and am eating tv dinners for breakfast, lunch and dinner. So yes, that means my car isn't going to be making that horrifying, loud shifting noise much longer, and yes that new roof I just replaced was expensive as hell (feel free to make donations to the "jimmy goes hungry fund"---beer and home-cooked meals gladly accepted).

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

dear ann coulter

dear ann coulter,

i think you are a piece of shit.



Monday, June 21, 2010

a day without rain

i was outside today, and i realized something that has managed to evade me for some time now. i stopped walking for a moment and looked up at the sky and was reminded of how beautiful our earth is and how lucky i am to be alive.

a little over a year ago, a friend that i had back in college passed away suddenly. sadly, that is how life works. one day you are alive and happy, and the next you are gone.

just admiring something simple like the beauty of a tree, or the happiness a dog or loved one brings you, should be a reminder that you are still alive. life is about appreciation, and the more you do it, the more you feel alive.

take advantage of the little things in life. take advantage of the big things too. you never know when something or someone will be gone. tell someone you love them and that you appreciate them, and remind people of how you feel. it is worth it. i promise.